By Elliott Graham

Ed Viesturs for Superbolt™

Let's take it back to the very beginning of our story. The Superbolt blend was specifically made for mountaineering legend Ed Viesturs. Ed was on the hunt for a beverage that would give him a sustained level of energy, without upsetting his stomach or experiencing the crash like other products would provide while on expeditions in the mountains.

Throughout the 1990's and 2000's, we began to support Endeavour 8000 - Ed's 18-year project where his goal was to reach the summit of all the world's fourteen 8000-meter peaks with no additional oxygen. During this time, Superbolt remained a secret blend catered towards Ed and his tight knit crew of elite climbers.

By May 12th, 2005, Ed completed his goal by successfully climbing Annapurna, renowned as one of the most difficult climbs in the world.

 "Thinking back on how the Superbolt Tea started, it was actually in the early 90's when I was still living in Seattle. I met a guy named Brian Keating, and he was then what was known as the tea guru. I had a history of being in Nepal all the time and being in Pakistan. So he and I then started to develop a blend of tea that we eventually called Ed's Energy Tea, and he sold it in bulk and I took it with me on climbs."

Ed has achieved an incredibly impressive amount of accomplishments throughout his career, and it doesn't stop at climbing. He's a representative of his hometown team the Seattle Seahawks (with a Super Bowl ring to prove it), a design consultant for manufacturers of outdoor gear, an author of six different publications, and a corporate speaker.

We flew down to his home in Ketchum, Idaho to meet with the legend himself. All video footage was captured by our good friend Justin Pelletier, and all digital and film photography is courtesy of Elliott Graham, our Co-founder.

It's been amazing watching this project all naturally come together. As Ed is the original inspiration behind our company, everything has come full circle and we're grateful to have had the opportunity to travel out and meet the man behind the tea.

"You have to love the process."

Learn more about Ed:
