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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in sem suscipit, sagittis dui a, euismod quam. Nam aliquam est at massa faucibus, eget ultricies massa laoreet. Morbi elementum vulputate ligula sit amet congue. Nam fringilla efficitur orci a ullamcorper. Quisque ut ante nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus euismod iaculis risus id tempor. Pellentesque maximus efficitur purus non condimentum. Vestibulum quis tincidunt mauris. Sed ornare placerat arcu sed congue. Curabitur commodo aliquam mi, id viverra diam efficitur et. Praesent non mattis nisi, eget aliquet enim. Etiam urna neque, commodo ac scelerisque a, dapibus sed odio. Pellentesque vestibulum finibus risus. Mauris ante nisi, pellentesque eget sodales ac, feugiat at massa.

Cras at metus eros. Curabitur sed elit tristique, placerat purus finibus, fermentum erat. Suspendisse viverra, est in luctus dictum, risus dolor consequat massa, non hendrerit justo odio non sapien. Pellentesque ut ullamcorper dui. Proin arcu libero, sagittis vitae purus vestibulum, pulvinar condimentum nulla. Proin maximus ultricies quam, ut tempor ex maximus ut. Suspendisse vitae velit nibh. Ut id sapien efficitur, blandit risus vitae, rutrum ligula. Fusce ornare, dolor vitae porta laoreet, libero ante convallis nunc, sed lacinia enim turpis ut dui. Mauris et facilisis ligula, sed interdum nisi. Curabitur enim risus, aliquet quis neque scelerisque, accumsan eleifend lectus. Etiam in convallis ante. Duis laoreet quam quis nibh tristique porttitor. Ut a risus pulvinar, malesuada nisl ut, scelerisque magna. Donec non sollicitudin tellus, id rhoncus dui.

Curabitur a urna a turpis vehicula tempus. Integer semper imperdiet velit semper tincidunt. Sed molestie orci dolor. Aliquam tempor massa quis erat dignissim tempor. Aenean iaculis magna ut sem egestas commodo. Nulla ligula enim, molestie eget consequat suscipit, pellentesque quis nulla. In ullamcorper ante convallis consequat eleifend. Phasellus pulvinar augue enim, at aliquam odio placerat eget. Fusce sed aliquam diam, at interdum nulla. Sed faucibus porttitor ornare. Aliquam iaculis, risus in efficitur suscipit, urna ligula ullamcorper enim, eget pretium nisi turpis id orci. Nullam erat nibh, aliquet vel sagittis eu, commodo et neque.

Consistent Energy

Forget the crash from coffee & other energy drinks, Superbolt Tea gives you long, sustained energy and focus for any activity.

Natural & Organic Ingredients

Nothing Artificial • Simply Natural • USDA Organic Ingredients • Sustainably Sourced • Bioactive • Non-gmo • 100% compostable tea sachets

Performance & Focus Blend

Our proprietary blend has a base of core teas with added remedial herbs that have been carefully formulated to give you clear mental focus and an increased boost in performance.


I'm a huge tea drinker, especially after a long day I use herbal tea to decompress and relax. To energize, I always have a cup of coffee... Many of us know that that turns into crashing early, shakes, stomach pain and nausea. This was my first experience with energy tea and I absolutely loved it! The smell and the taste was phenomenal and I didn't feel as if I was going to crash after an hour. I highly recommend this product. Especially for athletes who want to stop coffee. A healthier, more enjoyable replacement :)

Farinaz Lari, World Kickboxing Champion

First impression of this tea was its flavour and natural sweetness. No need to add anything to it, it’s straight up delicious as is. I found my energy consistent all morning during physical activity. No caffeine jitters, and overall my muscles felt less fatigue. Awesome and natural ingredients make this product work.

Chris Rasman, Professional Snowboarder

Ready To Experience The Superbolt?

Our brewed energy tea can be enjoyed both hot or cold

Performance Tea
Performance Tea
Performance Tea
Performance Tea
Superolt Organic Performance Tea 30 Pack - Front
Superolt Organic Performance Tea 30 Pack - Back
Superolt Organic Performance Tea - Your new daily vice to experience peak performance. 0 Calories. 0 sugar. 100% delicious taste.

Performance Tea

Regular price$32.00 CAD

Taste profile: Cinnamon, Ginger and Vanilla. 

This complex tea blend has a core blend of black, white and green tea with 8 added superfoods and adaptogens. Key ingredients like Siberian Ginseng, Astragalus and Yerba Mate are known to help improve athletic and mental performance providing a smooth increase in energy.

Includes 30 plant-based biodegradable tea bags.

Steep one tea bag with 250ml (8oz) of boiling water. For iced tea, please let the tea cool to room temperature then serve over ice. 

~38mg of caffeine per serving
* Average cup of coffee ~100mg

All of our ingredients are 100% organic

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